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Photolux Festival 2024

The Beautiful Country. What does it mean to be Italian today? What are our identity roots and which Italy do we want to build for the future?

Photography can help us outline the contemporary image of the Bel Paese, analyzing its evolution, changes and contradictions. The theme of this edition is dedicated to Italy. But why call it “The Bel Paese?” It is the name attributed par excellence to Italy in memory of Dante's well-known verses «Del bel Paese dalle dove 'l Sì sona» (Inf. XXXIII, 80). In building this edition of the Festival, we were inspired by Dante's verses, which express a typically Italian feeling: the awareness of living in a wonderful country, but at the same time full of contradictions.

The Festival's exhibition program reflects this duality: on the one hand the beauties of our country, on the other its fragilities and contradictions. The narrative is built through the dialogue between the works of important names in Italian and international photography and those of emerging authors.

EXHIBITION LOCATIONS: Palazzo Ducale, Swiss Courtyard 1/ Palazzo Guinigi, Via Guinigi, 29/ Church of Santa Maria Annunziata dei Servi, Piazza dei Servi 12

OPENING DAYS AND HOURS: Monday – Thursday from 3pm to 7pm Friday – Sunday from 10:00 to 19:00

PRICES: €22 full, €18 reduced, €10 per single seat, €8 reduced single seat €10 reduced for schools

REDUCTIONS: free for journalists ,free for children under 12, free for carers of disabled people Reduced for groups of more than 15 people, Reduced for people over 70 years old


It will be possible to take part in guided tours every Saturday and Sunday for the entire duration of the festival:

Under this sun by Massimo Vitali -guided tour with Leda Curcio every Saturday and Sundayh. 11:00 ⁄ 12:00

Hidden Truths. Visual legacies of Italy’s recent history guided tour with Mario Morroni every Saturday and Sunday h. 11:00 ⁄ 12:00

Vittorio Sella -guided tour with Marco Barsantievery Saturday and Sunday h. 17:30 ⁄ 18:30

World Press Photo guided tour with Lorenzo Lombardi every Saturday and Sunday h. 17:30 ⁄ 18:30. MORE INFO

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