On January 20th and 21st there will be Tum Tum Pa at the Suffrage Auditorium of the Boccherini Conservatory. Tum Tum Pa is a collective concert promoted by those who have had the privilege of sharing the stage and life with Andrea Pacini. A collective song with 16 groups involved and 48 musicians to raise funds for scholarships at the Boccherini Conservatory and the Passaglia Art School in Andrea's name. It goes without saying that you can't miss it. FREE ENTRY BUT DONATIONS WELCOME
Sunday featuring: Controtempo/Vocioni, Paolo Bono 5tet, Berneschi Grisafi, Stefano Nottoli Group, Daisy And UncleTrio, Collective Pannatoni featuring Igor Vazzaz, De Lucca a/Fioramonti, Alfonso De Pietro Group, Filipe y su son Latino