“The Last Key” is an immersive and itinerant tour in the historical places of the ancient mental hospital, through a suggestive and engaging musical scenic narration, which leads visitors on an emotional journey full of historical-scientific communications on the theme of the history of Psychiatry, of Psychopathology and Mental Health Services. The lives of the patients and doctors who worked at the Lucca mental hospital, from 1773 until 1999, the date of its definitive closure, will take shape in theatrical performances freely based on Mario Tobino's novels, with the contribution of musical pieces performed live and partly linked to the unforgettable season of the Maggiano Song Festival, the only Italian and probably European experience in the sector of rehabilitation through music therapy; this experience made the Maggiano Psychiatric Hospital famous in the 1960s and was recently described in the book “Leggera Cura”, written by Enrico Marchi and Marco Innocenti. It will be Enrico Marchi himself, psychiatrist and psychotherapist from Lucca who in 1999 participated in the definitive closure of Maggiano and subsequently directed the psychiatric services of Lucca until 2012, to guide "The Last Key" as narrator and expert in the sector, making himself available for various specific insights during the guided tour, which he conceived and produced with Michela Panigada and with the irreplaceable and extraordinary creative contribution of the artistic collective “MT6” (Simona Generali, Giulio D'Agnello, Romina Malagoli, Manuela Crisanti, Marianna Perilli, Maurizio Micheli, Aldo Terigi, Daniele Micheli, Mario Cenni). MORE INFO For information and reservations, contact via WhatsApp on 349 343 903